Graduate Certificate in Manipulative Therapy (APBC part 1)

Our APBC SI J and spinal course is currently 2 x 5 day programs. It’s strongly advised to study both parts to be a effective & safe practitioner.

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APBC Advanced Postural Biomechanical Correction
(Part 1)

Graduate Certificate in Manipulative Therapy

tukey group

Post nominal letters following course:
Grad Cert Man Ther

Q. Is APBC chiropractic or osteopathy ?
A. No. APBC is an independent technique in its own right that has its roots from osteopathy, chiropractic and Physiotherapy. Dr Robbie Goodrum’s Advanced postural Biomechanical CorrectionAPBC techniques modified, improved from Osteopathy, Chiropractic & Physiotherapy, with 40% of Dr Robbie’s own safe unique techniques.


The Program Details:
Our training programs are unique and combine the best, safest techniques modified from Osteopathy, Chiropractic & Physiotherapy. It’s our own technique APBC Analysis & manipulative techniques developed by Dr Robbie Goodrum osteopath, physiotherapist, sports therapist & Naturopath. The certificate course will include Manipulation for the full spine and pelvis using only using the best techniques from Modified Osteopathy and Chiropractic. In this course, there is no Extremity adjusting.

What do you learn in first 2 days ?
APBC course covers modified, supine APBC short-lever manipulation for the spinal facet joints from C7-C1. APBC Philosophy, assessment methods and techniques. Including modified APBC Osteopathic Articulation a harmonic stretching mobilization method to assess and treat myofascial/capsule restrictions. APBC HVT high velocity thrust
techniques – Grade 5 techniques are taught in depth on each level of the spine. C7-C3. Occipital correction prior to HVT for C2 Axis and Atlas manipulation with 90% less rotation than other manipulative styles. Our APBC upper cervical techniques is very safe for the vertebral artery.

Did you know you can’t fix C1 & C2 until occipital ubluxations or misalignments are fixed first

Click here to find out the different in subluxation & misalignments

We teach APBC manipulation in the first 2 days Thoracic and cervical spine with APBC soft tissue and mobilisation methods. clear assessment & differential diagnosis.

APBC Short Lever Atlas safe C1 manipulation



We don’t teach Osteopathic long-lever HVT manipulation.
Why ? The lumbar roll & osteopathic manipulation generally uses too much torsion/rotation which can further traumatize the annulus fibrosis of the Disc and capsular structures .

Example of a modern osteopathic lumbar roll. Nevertheless it’s still a bad technique for Disc problems.



We have much better APBC short-lever lumbar and pelvic techniques, which are safer for the operator and patient. Seen as below Ilio-sacral manipulation. Antertiorising the ilia on sacrum



APBC Sacral Rotation Push Involved Side Up



APBC Push L1-5 Mammillary Push 


What happens in the next 3 days ?

APBC techniques taught includes: modified improved Chiropractic taught as APBC short-lever manipulation for pelvis, including ilium, sacrum, Coccyx and pubic Joint & lumbar spine. We also teach a globally twisted rib-cage which will maintain a pelvic imbalance. This course teaches a Modified Short-lever APBC assessment & Manipulation Techniques similar to Diversified & Gonstead chiropractic with nice modifications, taught as our APBC technique. We also introduce the Goodrum APBC Drop table technique similar to Thompson drop chiropractic and a hand held manipulation instrument similar to an Activator Adjusting Instrument called an Adjuster pro. Note the APBC drop table technique may only be taught if the country hosting the course has a drop table. This course will teach the the full spine and Pelvis. The techniques taught in this program are 90% hands-on. Note: Our modified Chiropractic, Osteopathic & Physiotherapy training is our APBC “Advanced Postural Biomechanical Correction technique” advanced and improved version of that which is being taught in the chiropractic & osteopathic colleges.

We have
Testimonials from DO’s & DC’s click here

Dr Robbie teaches along with various chiropractors, osteopaths and manipulative physiotherapists.


day 1

day 2

day 3

day 4

day 5

CLICK HERE for more details of
Graduate Certificate in Manipulative Therapy
APBC part 1


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