Graduate Diploma in Manipulative Therapy (APBC part 2)

Our APBC SI J and spinal course is currently 2 x 5 day programs. It’s strongly advised to study both parts to be a effective & safe practitioner.

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Graduate Diploma in Manipulation Therapy
(APBC part 2)
Advanced SI J & Disc techniques

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Advance spinal manipulation techniques to balance the whole pelvic base and spine.We teach you to balance the spine & pelvis, not just crude manipulation. “Advanced effective Disc techniques”
Post nominal letters awarded: Grad Dip Man Ther (Hons)

This course is designed for the physiotherapy, chiropractic and osteopathic management of spine & SI J related disorders. We will teach how to effectively treat a variety of disc problems and complicated SI joint & spinal pathologies Entry requirements: Graduate Certificate in Manipulative Therapy Part 1 or Chiropractic

Osteopaths & physiotherapists need to attend the Certificate Program Part 1 first. Our Goodrum Somatic Master Short Lever Technique is modified from Chiropractic and is very different from the Osteopathic Long Lever Manipulation. Our training programs are unique and combine the best, safest techniques from Osteopathy, Chiropractic, Physiotherapy & Asia manipulation influences. It’s our own “Goodrum Somatic Master technique” Analysis & manipulative techniques Developed by Robbie Goodrum Osteopath & phsiotherapist & Profesor Narkeesh PT.MSc.PhD Contact Robbie on
+44 0 7541838651 or +66 0 874152970 for bookings



A Happy bunch of Physiotherapists, Chiropractors and Osteopath in Thailand
The Advanced Graduate Diploma in Manipulative Therapy will include Goodrum Somatic Master Short Lever manipulation and some special Long Lever Osteopathic manipulation for the full spine pelvis, using only the best techniques modified from physiotherapy, osteopathy & chiropractic. An amazing 95% of the course will concentrate on Goodrum Somatic Master Short Lever manipulation, with Goodrum Modified Osteopathic articulation/ Mobilization and specific Goodrum osteopathic soft tissue techniques to aid the manipulation and re-balance the body. The course is very specific for spinal & disc manipulation similar to Diversified & Gonstead Chiropractic. We teach a specific point of contact on the patient’s spine, ilium or sacrum with specific vectors of force. This course is recommended once you have finished the certificate program part 1. However, if you are a Chiropractor,you can go straight to this advanced course without completing the certificate course. The precision of adjustments and analysis on this course is second to none! Chiropractors regularly join the Advanced course from England, Australia, USA & Europe.


A specific L5 Manipulation to reduce a Disc Bulge Convexity, following the concave/convex rule of Disc Manipulation
Dr Sasha from Germany, who is a Physiotherapist,Chiropractor and Osteopath with 13 years of study, said ” Dr Robbie,this is the best course I have ever attended. I learnt so much. You have a talent, and the series of Manipulaion you gave me on my spine were the best I have ever had.”

Dr Sasha had been manipulated by Chiropractors & Osteopath in Europe, USA and Australia. Dr Sasha said, “Dr Robbie, you are one of the best in the world, I woke up feeling so light and pain free in my normally painful lower back.”


Dr Sasha Osteopath, Chiropractor and Physiotherapist and Tutor Dr Robbie Goodrum
The course covers in further detail Chiropractic History and Philosophy and the GoodrumSomatic Master Short Lever techniques. Including the Goodrum Specific manipulation method. This method is similar to Gonstead Chiropractic, but much improved. Our Goodrum techniques use a listing system to described misalignments in the spine & pelvis. Unlike Gonstead chiropractic we find our spinal/pelvic subluxation with palpation & other specific clinical tests that will truly amaze you. We use specific points of contact and vectors of thrust. Our Goodrum Somatic Master techniques gives superior results for Disc problems and difficult to settle spinal or SI J pain.

The Goodrum Osteopathic Modified Drop table Adjuster Pro Technique instrument will be taught for the full spine & SI J in an advanced new way to resolve disc problem. This course will expand and explore how to integrate the Goodrum Short Lever Technique, which is similar to Diversified, Gonstead, Thompson drop table & Activator Chiropractic. We harmoniously blended together the best from Chiropractic, Osteopathy & physiotharapy including specific rehabilitation. Our Goodrum Somatic Master technique is one smooth method. We do this by picking the best from Chiropractic, Osteopathy and Physiotherapy modified & improved.

You will learn on this program how the spial nerves and subluxation affects different autonomic nerves, sympathetic and parasympathetic. We will teach how, as practitioners, manipulation becomes much more than just  anipulation. Specific adjustments can restart the healing mechanism for many health conditions.

Advance 1

Advance 2

Advance 3

Advance 4


Advance 5

CLICK HERE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Graduate Diploma in Manipulative Therapy with Honours part 2


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